Here you'll find resources and downloads to help manage Type 1 diabetes in schools.
Type 1 Diabetes in School

- The INSCHOOL Project
- Breakthrough T1D Signs and Symptoms Poster
- Language Matters - 2023 Document
- How to Use Positive Language - Poster
- DfE - Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions
- Hypoglycaemia Poster
- Hyperglycaemia Poster
- Diabetes UK School Resources
- Breakthrough T1D UK School Page
- Breakthrough T1D UK School Pack
- Glucose Metabolism and Cognitive Development - NCBI
- NCBI Articles
- Diabetes UK - Exams and diabetes management at school
- Breakthrough T1D UK - Taking Exams
- Day Trips and Residentials Poster
- Diabetes UK - School Trips and Diabetes Management
Legal Responsibilities

- Equality Act 2010
- Children and Families Act 2014
- Education Act 1996
- Education Act (Northern Ireland) 2014
- Department of Education Northern Ireland
- Scottish Education Important Legislations
- Wales Government - Additional Learning Needs
- Wales Government - Additional Learning Needs Transformation Programme FAQ's
- HSE - Meeting the Care Needs of Primary School Children with Type 1 Diabetes during School Hours (Ireland)
- Type 1 Diabetes HSE Paediatric Resource Pack (Ireland)
Diabetes Technology

Food Management

Sports and Exercise


Type 1 Diabetes Comics

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